Do we, as parents, ever really think about the meaning of FREE (Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc.)? The word “family” is the philosophy of FREE and deeply felt by all who are associated with the agency. I, as a parent and volunteer at FREE, see this philosophy at work constantly. The deep feelings and concerns for the individuals that FREE serves is simply amazing. As a parent, my son feels the warmth and support to help him reach his highest potential. This is FREE’s mission statement.
Diane Walker
It is a main focus of FREE to fulfill this mission by focusing on having our children integrate into the community, to choose where they would like to live, to have the opportunities to volunteer, to have vocational training and to assist them with employment.
As a parent, this is what we all want for our children. It is through the guidance of this “family of FREE” that we can witness and support our children’s growth.
Want to Contribute?
If you are a parent of someone who receives services from FREE and would like to share your story or thoughts, please email