Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc. (FREE) presented Werner Reich, a Holocaust survivor and art collector, with a special gift as thanks for being a guest speaker at a seminar they hosted. The gift, a print of a self-portrait of FREE artist Laura Levy, was presented to Werner by FREE Director of Art Therapy Ed Regensburg, Judi Weissman, a professor at Stony Brook University and the facilitator of the seminar where Werner spoke, Joyce Law, Senior Recovery Coach/Art Therapist, FREE, and the artist herself, Laura Levy. Laura’s self-portrait hangs on the walls of RXR’s lobby in Woodbury, NY, and has been featured on a wine label by the LENZ winery.
Ed Regensburg, Laura Levy, Werner Reich, Joyce Law and Professor Judi Weissman
“Words cannot truly express how honored and thankful we are to Mr. Reich for sharing his incredible story with us,” said Robert S. Budd, CEO FREE. “He’s honored us even further by appreciating the talent of one of our artists,” he continued.
Werner spoke at a seminar entitled “Preventing Bullying and Bias” at FREE. While giving his presentation to team members at FREE who are receiving their Master’s Degree through a joint program with Stony Brook University, he noticed a print of the self-portrait hanging on the wall of the conference room in which he was presenting and expressed his interest in purchasing it. Professor Weissman, noted his interest in the piece and arranged to purchase the print for Werner. Werner was invited back to FREE and was presented with the piece.
Werner Reich presents to schools and universities across Long Island. Last year alone he presented to 60 high schools. The main theme of his presentation is “Bad things happen when good people do nothing.” Werner implores students to promise not to be a bystander in life.