Our Services / Behavioral Health Services

Residential Services

FREE offers a wide range of residential opportunities, sponsored with the Office of Mental Health. The goal of FREE’s community-based residential opportunities is to provide quality, individual-driven, recovery-oriented services to help individuals maximize their independence and reach their full potential. Our restorative services include medication management, independent living, substance abuse, rehabilitation counseling, symptom management, skill development, and others.

24-Hour Supervised Community Residences

Generic Community Residence

Individuals with mental illness receive services tailored toward increasing their ability to function as independently as possible.

Specialized Community Residences:

Young Adult Program

Designed to support individuals ages 18-30 with mental illness who are either aging out of foster care or residential treatment facilities.

Mentally Ill/Chemical Abuse (MICA) Housing Program

Designed for individuals with mental illness who are also seeking recovery from chemical addiction.

Specialized MI / ID Community Housing

Highly structured housing programs for individuals with co-occurring mental illness and intellectual disabilities.

Apartment Treatment Program (ATP)

ATP is also certified through the Office of Mental Health and offers restorative services like those provided in a community residence. Two or three individuals share an apartment within a mainstream community. Services are provided at a frequency determined by the individual’s needs.

Community-Based Housing and Support Services

OMH Supported Housing Program – Offers extended-stay housing with support services to individuals with mental illness. This housing option is designed for individuals who are capable of living in generic community-based housing and are self-sufficient.

Homeless Housing Program

Offers support services including case management, life skills training, alcohol and drug abuse services and mental health treatment. FREE sponsors several programs in both Nassau and Suffolk Counties that support homeless populations as well as those at risk of being homeless or residing in situations considered unfit for human habitation on Long Island.

Contact Us to Get Started

For more information, please call
(516) 870-1600 or email info@familyres.org