Our Services / Behavioral Health Services

Crisis Services - Hospital Diversion

Available for Suffolk County residents, 18 years and older with a primary diagnosis of severe and persistent mental illness at high risk for psychiatric hospitalization, high emergency department (ED) use for psychiatric crisis not resulting in admission, and those individuals “stepping down” from an acute hospitalization, but in need of additional clinical and support services oversight to continue their success towards their recovery, upon returning to their permanent housing environments.

Hospital Diversion

The individual’s length of stay in the program is anticipated to be 7-14 days, and not to exceed 28 days. We will clinically assess, monitor, and help develop support plans and relapse prevention plans with the individuals being served, and in collaboration with their community based outpatient providers, so as to move towards reducing the number of overall ED visits and psychiatric hospitalizations.

Contact Us to Get Started

For more information, please call
(516) 870-1600 or email info@familyres.org