40th Anniversary Celebration of Life Gala – Save the Date!

January 1, 2017 | Featured, News

The Celebration of Life Gala is the signature fundraising event for the National Foundation for Human Potential, benefitting Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc. (FREE) and their Valued Affiliates.  This special evening pays tribute to exceptional leaders who are dedicated to our mission and have made outstanding contributions to our community.  It serves both as a major fundraising event and as a friend-raising, cultivation event.  It is our generous supporters that enable FREE and their Valued Affiliates to continue the mission to help individuals of all abilities realize their full potential.


The event will take place on Thursday, October 19, 2017 at the Bourne Mansion in Oakdale
For more information about the Celebration of Life Gala please contact Development and Mission Advancement at 516-870-1697 or email nesposito@familyres.org.